A long voyage…
Finding the ships our ancestors arrived in Argentina on
First, who are the travelers?
Let’s identify who are the potential immigrants, family by family… Keep in mind I’ve highlighted below the people that I know for sure ended up in Argentina. There may be more that did as well, but I am not certain and thus I have not at this time focused on those. Some generic pics.
On the BLANDO side…
They all came from Sicily. Gangi, in particular. The couple Michele BLANDO X Vincenza D’ANGELO had most of their children in Gangi, but between 1904 and 1908 they moved to Argentina.
Specifically, these are the travelers… Notice that the last daughter of the couple (Maria Santos Blando) was already born in Argentina.
On the VACCARO side…
The couple of Giuseppe VACCARO and Maria Nasello set for Argentina between 1892 (the birth year of their next-to-last daughter) and 1904 (the year their last daughter, my grandmother, was born)
On the TERUEL side…
This is a family I have underdeveloped at the moment. It is not clear to me who exactly were the travelers. That said, my current working hypothesis is as follows:
I know that Marcelino Teruel, Gervasio San Vicente, and Maria San Vicente all married in Mendoza Argentina, and they all show as being “Spanish”. Thus, they for sure traveled. Santiago Teruel and Angela San Vicente, the eldest of the two families, traveled as well because they had three children (Paula, Luis -my grandfather-, and Benigno)
It is not clear to me whether Luis Teruel X Paula Gonzalez and Benigno San Vicente X Basilisa Guillen traveled. I suspect they did not, and they stayed in Spain. Same goes for the eldest of the Teruel children (Santiago Teruel). Most likely that kid died young.
On the JORI side…
On this grandmother’s (Maria Jori) side, a lot of people ended up in Argentina for sure. First, the siblings JORI ended up in Argentina, most of them. It is likely the ones not highlighted in the picture below ALSO made it to Argentina, but I am not 100% certain, and thus I am not claiming them yet. Not clear if Luigi X Luigia Aurelia made it as well, though I know that one of the brothers of Luigia Aurelia Benedetti *did* make it to Argentina (Entre Rios province), so it is possible the parents of the Jori siblings made it as well.
The GARINOs are less, and easier. I know Luigia Maria made it, and died in Argentina; as well as her brother Pietro.
Searching for Ships…
heading over.
Not a lot of luck. Searched all Vaccaros in time of interest. No names/age matches.
Only one Nasello, Maria that sort of matches the dates. Searched for all Nasellos from 1892 through 1904.
A bit more luck, I am somewhat certain that Basilisa Guillen (aged 33 at the time) and her two daughters Angela (aged 17) and Maria (aged 10) arrived together in 1909 from Bilbao. Since Basilisa traveled, it is likely her husband, Benigno San Vicente also did (though I have not been able to find records for him)
Searched JORI, YORI, and IORI.
Could not find Luigia Aurelia Benedetti (searched with both names separately)
Could not find records for Luigia Maria (my great-grandmother), but I think I found records for his brother *and* his father, both named Pietro, as you can see in the pic below.
The working hypothesis is that Pietro had his kids (Luigia Marina 1882 and Pietro 1887) and a few years later emigrated to Argentina. Then, when his son Pietro was old enough, he joined him in Argentina.
Could not find any Teresa Fisanotti that would match.
The Ships
- from Marsella, 1891 (Pietro Garino)
- from Genova, 1913 (Pietro Garino (h))
Citta di Genova
- from Genova, 1901 (Benvenuto Giuseppe Jori)
P. de Satrustregui
- from Bilbao, 1909 (Basilisa Guillen and Angela and Maria San Vicente)
Infanta Isabel
- from Barcelona, 1913 (Marcelino Teruel)
- from Genova, 1902 (Maria Nasello)
- from Genova, 1904 (Michele and Gioacchino Blando)