The Joris in Mendoza, Argentina

Luis Blando
6 min readSep 25, 2022


Documenting their provenance and progeny


I am working on my family tree. I was born in Mendoza, Argentina, and my grandmother on my mother’s side was Maria Yori. In tracing back her ancestors, I ended up in Trento, Italy.

I have found, however, a lot of data and some of that data puts my great grandfather as fathering a family in the USA. This guy,

Benvenuto Giuseppe Jori

In another post, I went through the analysis of how I found my great grandfather's birth records, his parents, etc. You can read all about it here. I am reasonably comfortable with my findings in the Trentino side, and thus this post is about documenting the existence of these Joris in Mendoza, Argentina.

Who are we talking about?

In a nutshell, we are talking about Benvenuto Giuseppe as well as his brothers and sisters. The picture below gives you an idea. It’s the ones in the brown rectangle.

The Joris of Mendoza, Argentina (well, some of them anyways)

Ironically, Benvenuto himself never really cared for Mendoza, as he was a Buenos Aires man. That said, his children ended up with his family in Mendoza as that is where my grandmother grew-up. It’s a long story, as these things usually are.

I will go sibling by sibling and share a few tidbits of information, as well as whatever documents I have been able to find. On this last point, please keep in mind that my ability to find documents in Argentina is strictly limited to those easily found by Family Search, as I am very new in this hobby. Still, even with such a narrow net you can find more than enough evidence that this family was, indeed, a family and that they all emigrated to Argentina.

Maria Teresa Jori (born 8 Sept 1868)

Maria Teresa was the first daughter of Luigi X Luigia. She married Gerónimo Alvisio, the record here. Notice her age/birth date matches, as do the names of her father and mother.

Maria Teresa Jori’s marriage record

She is also found in the baptism record for her children:

Baptism of Paula Luisa
Baptism of Aurora Teresa, with Luigi, Luigia, Probo, and Teresa

In this last record, you can see the names of the grandparents (Luis Jori and Luisa Benedetti) as well as the names of the godfather (Probo Jori, the girl’s uncle) and godmother (Teresa Jori, the girl’s aunt)

Emma Teresa Jori (born 8 Feb 1870)

The second daughter of Luigi x Luigia. I have not been able to find many documents about her, except for her entry in Nato in Trentino website.

Benvenuto Giuseppe Jori (born either 5 Sept or 5 Dec 1871)

Benvenuto Giuseppe (aka Jose) is my great great grandfather. Nati in Trentino has him born on 5 September, but his marriage record has him on 5 December. One of the two.

He marries Luigia Garino in Caluso, on 23 Dec 1912, as the following record shows.

Incidentally, within the family we had this certificate (with the same information of course), shown below:

Marriage certificate that Benvenuto Giuseppe Jori and Luigia Maria Garino brought to Argentina

Which is the one the couple used when they emigrated to Argentina. Notice the note:

For use in emigration

They married and immediately went to Argentina, given the dates…

We know Benvenuto and Luigia had three offspring. Two girls and a boy, while living in Buenos Aires. For example, by 1914 they’d been living in Buenos Aires, as their first child, Teresa Clementina Jori, is born. Here below is her birth/baptism certificate (14 Feb 1914):

Baptism for Teresa Clementina Jori
Teresa Clementina Jori (later Moglia)

In short, I have all kinds of family stories, etc. I am in the process of procuring more pictures of all the Joris, as we have more of Benvenuto.

Of course, the last daughter they have is my grandma, “la nonna Maria”, holding me on one of my early birthdays :-)

La nonna Maria, and me :-)

Pietro Benvenuto Jori (born 3 Nov 1873)

The next child, Pietro Benvenuto, also went to Argentina and settled in Mendoza. In addition to family stories, I have not been able to find many documents. I found his marriage record.

Corinna Teresa Jori (born 23 May 1875)

The next daughter was Corina Teresa, and in addition to family stories, I found a document that might be the marriage of her daughter.

The marriage of Corinna’s daughter in Mendoza

Probo Jori (born 27 Feb 1877)

Uncle Probo has a bit more luck in the documents department, in addition to stories from the past, of course.

We first find him as the godfather to Aurora Teresa, his niece. See the entry for Maria Teresa Jori above.

He then gets married in Mendoza, on 12 September 1907, to Carmen Ruiz.

Probo’s marriage to Carmen Ruiz

Notice how the document shows:

  • The names of Probo’s parents, Luis Jori and Luisa Benedetti
  • The name of Geronimo Alloisio (Maria Teresa’s husband, see above) as one of the witnesses to this marriage.

In 1909 he makes another appearance in the baptism record for his son Luis Salvador.

Baptism of Probo’s son

And in the baptism record for his daughter

Baptism of Probo’s daughter

Teresa Jori (born 8 Sep 1881)

The youngest, Teresa, is found in a couple of records in Mendoza, Argentina. Just like Probo, you can find her first as the godmother to her niece Aurora Teresa.

Then, you find the record of her marriage to Pedro Garino.

Marriage of Teresa Yori, with Luis, Luisa, etc.

If you review the document, it shows the names of the parents (Luis Jori and Luisa Benedetti) as well as the age (20 years old), which matches her 1881 birth. Neat and tidy :-)


I think there’s enough data to conclude that the Juri siblings from Bleggio Superiore ended up in Argentina. If you find mistakes or errors (in data or analysis) please do let me know. Thanks.



Luis Blando
Luis Blando

Written by Luis Blando

not a professional writer by any means

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